Promoting practical tips beneficial Earth/Papatūānuku


New Zealand sea lions/pakake are endemic and classified as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In June 2020, Sian began a campaign proposing the Clutha District Council restrict vehicles on up to eight ecologically significant beaches in The Catlins. In June 2022, the Clutha District Council responded with a proposed ‘Vehicles on Beaches Bylaw’. The ‘Vehicles on Beaches Bylaw’ came into effect on the 1st of January 2023. While the version of the Bylaw that Sian, the New Zealand Sea Lion Trust, Forest & Bird, and other’s lobbied for was not voted in, the below was:

  • All vehicles are prohibited on dunes at all times, except to access the beach via the most direct route possible, and only via existing, defined tracks.
  • No vehicle should be driven along a beach above the high-water mark except in the case of an emergency.

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