Seal Pups

The Power Of You:

With COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference having come to a close there are always the questions of: “Has enough been done?” or “Will enough be accomplished in the future?” With deadlines set for what seems so far in the future, despite a changing world evolving faster than we can seem to cope, it’s easy to get discouraged. With natural disasters increasing in both frequency and strength, it has never been clearer that mother earth is in peril.

Though large-scale changes need to implement and enforced by governments and corporations, this does not mean your personal efforts are in vain. We as individuals need to continue to do our part and make changes and differences – no matter how small it seems. With Christmas coming upon us quickly, maybe that contribution is cutting down on all the excess that comes with the holidays. Things like cutting down on plastic waste, switching to more environmentally friendly products, consuming more eco-friendly foods. All of these things add up in the end.

Not only does your buying power influence what companies supply/offer, but if your efforts in the end even only save one turtle or one bird somewhere down the line, you’ve made an impact. If you multiply that by the billions of people on this planet, it can add up real fast and amounts to real change. Keep it up because that reusable cup you use or that piece of garbage you pick up from the beach, might be that one thing that saves a life.

#seasocietynz, #climatechange, #smallthingscount, #personalpower, #ecoliving, #timeisnow