Going Solar

I have been lucky enough to live in a home which is entirely powered by 14 solar panels that sit on the rooves of two sheds. The panels feed energy to 24 batteries which store enough energy for three days of power. If there is not enough sun a backup generator is used.

After moving in I quickly learned that day to day life would be different to what I’d known; you must think twice before turning on a switch. We don’t have a conventional oven and our fridge and oven is gas run. You won’t find conventional heating such as heat pumps, plug in heaters, or even a hair dryer. Every appliance has been researched to be the most energy efficient.

When you live off grid, you become in touch with the seasons; you charge electronic devices when there is sun and unplug everything on those overcast days. You become aware of turning off lights and unplugging things that aren’t being used. You heat water with the fire before a shower and are aware of what you can and can’t use.

Overall, it took some time to get used to, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love being reliant on the sun to power our home!

Photo: Mozo.