Thank you!

Just a quick note … thank you for being a part of Sea Society’s whānau and for following along on the journey that began three plus years ago!

As there are a few new followers, meet the duo behind Sea Society:

Sian Mair is the Founder and President. When you reach out to Sea Society, you’ll be interacting with her. She represents Sea Society at meetings, events and in the media and writes majority of Sea Society’s post.

Tēnā Koutou,

Ko Parihaka Te Maunga,

Ko Hātea Te Awa,

Nō Kororareka Ahau,

Ko Mair Tōku Whānau,

Ko Sian Tōku Ingoa.

She is a full-time zoology student, a hospitality professional, a storyteller, an amateur photographer, and a lover of nature, animals, music, art, and ethical fashion and beauty.

Luke Suen is the Vice-President. He is an investor and the IT wiz behind Sea Society’s website. He was Sea Society’s first supporter and came aboard to help with the mahi in 2021.

Tēnā Koutou,

Ko Rocky Mountains Te Maunga,

Ko Pacific Ocean Te Awa,

Nō British Columbia Ahau,

Ko Suen Tōku Whānau,

Ko Luke Tōku Ingoa.

He is a dive instructor and a resort co-manager, a professional photographer, a wanderer and a lover of nature, animals and traveling. His favourite animal is the koala (I know, scandalous), and his most memorable wildlife experience was watching a cuttlefish lay eggs.