Benefits of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Humans benefit from MPAs because:

– Marine protected areas promote flora and fauna productivity. 

– There is a greater diversity of species.

– There is greater fish biomass and reproduction. 

– MPAs increase all four key biological variables – biomass, density, organism size and species richness. 

– MPAs benefit adjacent areas due to the spillover of larvae and adult fishes over the long-term. 

 Yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho are particularly vulnerable to the direct and indirect impacts of fisheries because:

– They forage in the benthic zone in a straight line, as they use visual cues on the seafloor. 

– They typically forage more than 15 km from the coast.

– Commercial set and drifting gillnets pose a medium to extreme risk to yellow-eyed penguins on mainland Aotearoa New Zealand, with gillnets being responsible for >100 reported and confirmed penguin deaths over the past 40 years.   

– A 2023 study found that suitable yellow-eyed penguin foraging habitats overlapped with trawling by 61.2% and netting by 33.4%. 

– Recent analysis of their diets found they primarily eat blue cod/rāwaru, red cod/hoka, blue warehou, silverside, and opalfish, who are demersal (bottom dwellers); redbait who is benthopelagic (inhabit the lower water column); and sprat/kupae, who is pelagic (inhabit the upper water column). 

– Currently only 0.04% of the predicted range of yellow-eyed penguins (23,978 km2) is protected by MPAs. 

Photo: Sian Mair. Taken from a safe distance and zoomed in on.