On the 26th of May, we are taking to the streets to demand Parliament act towards mitigating climate change.
Here is your opportunity to stand up for your whānau. Whether you are a climate change/global warming believer, or denier, that is not important. What is important is whether you are prepared to stand up and fight for the future of your children/tamariki.
This isn’t about you. This is about taking the necessary action to protect the futures of your tamariki and grandchildren/mokopuna.
School Strike 4 Climate NZ demands are:
1) Reduce emissions now. 50% real reduction in emissions by 2023, without relying on offsets.
2) Enable a 100% transition to regenerative agriculture by 2030.
3) Prioritise Te Tiriti centred climate justice.
4) Lower the voting age to 16.
I hope to see you on the 26th Ōtepoti Dunedin!
Photo: Rolex dela Peña.