Five Days Until Submissions Close

Ngā mihi nui / thank you to everyone who has already made a submission to the Clutha District Council about their ‘Vehicles on Beaches Bylaw’ and their ‘Dog Control Bylaw.’ If you have not had an opportunity, there are five days left to make a submission via:, or ‘Vehicles on Beaches Bylaw, Clutha District Council, PO Box 25, Balclutha 9240.’

The key points are:

1) Evidence indicates that endangered New Zealand sea lions/pakake, yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho, birds and invertebrate are present at all the beaches in the Clutha Region.

2) High biodiversity rich beaches are Cannibal Bay, Surat Bay, Jacks Bay, Kaka Point, Papatowai Beach, Longpoint/Haywards Point and Tautuku Beach.

3) The proposed Bylaw’s do not include Cabbage Point (major Bar-tailed Godwit, Banded Dotterel and Tern’s breeding site); Molyneux Bay, Willsher Bay or Nugget Stream (major Banded Dotterel, Oystercatcher, Red-billed Gull and Tern’s breeding sites).

4) Sea lions did not evolve with vehicles or dogs; therefore, they have not evolved the behavioural adaptions necessary to protect themselves from vehicles or dogs.

5) Sea lions, while large animals, are not equipped to fight off dogs off leashes: therefore, for the safety of your dog and sea lions, keep your dogs on leashes where they are present.

6) Yellow-eyed penguins, birds and invertebrate cannot defend themselves against dogs off leashes.

7) All beachgoers are safer, and their beach experiences are enhanced where vehicles are restricted and legally not allowed to race.

8) This is your opportunity to speak up on behalf of endangered, endemic species that cannot.

“The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.” – Dr. Jane Goodall

Photos: Surat Bay, 30th May 2020 by Sian Mair.

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