Have you recently bought a new mobile phone and are unsure what to do with your old one?
In 2016, RE:MOBILE partnered with Sustainable Coastlines, and so far the phones donated to RE:MOBILE has resulted in $1850,000 being donated to Sustainable Coastlines!
RE:MOBILE is not for profit and is the only mobile phone recycling scheme in Aotearoa which is accredited by the Ministry for the Environment.
Donated phones are sorted into two groups: those that cannot be reused and are end-of-life. These are deconstructed, commoditised, and their components are used to create other products; and reusable phones, these are sold by tender overseas.
The benefits of recycling your old phones are to prevent them from leaching harmful chemicals into landfill, to ensure the safe disposal of lithium-ion batteries, and to contribute to a circular economy.
To dispose of your phone, you can drop it off at any 2degrees, Vodafone New Zealand or Spark store or post it to the address on RE:MOBILE’s website.
“Waste is only waste if we waste it.” – will.i.am