Sealing the Scene

To some of you, it may seem improbable or contradictory that an animal as large as a New Zealand sea lion/pakake is agile and graceful.

Perhaps also, that pakake, who can be volatile with other bulls when play fighting or establishing a territory, are placid and non-threatening to humans.

When in proximity to a pakake, we suggest you give them at least 10 meters space, and crouch while observing them. To them we appear large while standing and are intimidating. Like dogs, they are intuitive; they are curious and playful, especially as pups and juveniles. Therefore, if you are approached by a pakake, stay calm and be boring. Drink in the experience. You are in the company of the rarest seal in the world.

While in the water recently, I was approached by this curious juvenile cow. As I have experience reading pakake behaviour, I took her photo, and then moved away. It was love at first sight, at least on my end!

Photo: Sian Mair.